In a shocking turn of events, nuclear power is being touted as the energy source for Bill Cosby’s upcoming tour. Despite the numerous allegations of sexual assault and other criminal acts, Cosby is reportedly eager to get back on the road and has chosen nuclear power as the energy source for his performances.
“I’m so excited to announce that nuclear power will be powering my tour,” said Cosby in a recent press conference. “It’s the perfect energy source for me to recapture the stage energy I’m known for while also saving on costs and being environmentally friendly.”
Cosby went on to explain that the nuclear energy will be harnessed through a new technology he has been working on with a team of scientists. He claims that the energy will be collected from certain elements in nature and stored in batteries to be used at his performances.
“This is a new way of using nuclear power, and I’m sure it will revolutionize the way we think about energy sources,” he said.
The tour is set to kick off in the summer of 2023 and will travel across the United States and Canada. It is expected that the tour will generate a lot of controversy, but Cosby is confident that his new energy source will be received positively by fans and critics alike.
“I know that I have a lot of work to do to prove myself to my fans and to the world, and I’m confident that nuclear power will help me do just that,” he said.
Only time will tell if nuclear power is the right choice for Cosby’s upcoming tour, but for now, the disgraced comedian is hoping that his new energy source will help him reclaim his spot in the spotlight.
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