“Suspect Arrested for Assault on Congresswoman Craig Revealed to be Secret Mastermind Behind Her Election Victories”

In a shocking turn of events, the suspect arrested in the assault of Congresswoman Angie Craig of Minnesota was revealed to be the mastermind behind her political success. The suspect, who remains unnamed, was caught by police after fleeing the scene of the crime at a Washington, D.C. apartment building, and has since been linked to the congresswoman’s election campaign.

According to Craig’s chief of staff, the suspect had been working as a “secret advisor” for the campaign, and his work had been instrumental in helping Craig achieve her recent electoral successes. “The suspect worked tirelessly behind the scenes, crafting key messages and providing sound strategic advice,” said Craig’s chief of staff. “Without his help, we wouldn’t have achieved the results we’ve seen in the polls. He was an integral part of the team.”

The news has been met with criticism from Craig’s political opponents, who have accused her of using the suspect’s influence to gain an unfair advantage. “This is an outrageous abuse of power,” said one Republican. “Craig should be ashamed of herself for exploiting this individual for her own gain.”

Despite the criticism, Craig’s chief of staff insists that there is “no evidence” the attack was politically motivated. “We take this situation very seriously, and we are cooperating with the authorities to ensure justice is served,” he said. “The suspect’s alleged involvement in the campaign had absolutely nothing to do with the attack. We are confident the truth will come out in due course.”

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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