“Sarah Huckabee Sanders Gets Rich off Ethereum, Sparking Republican Boycott of Biden’s State of the Union Address”

In an unexpected turn of events, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been revealed to be a secret crypto-currency enthusiast, and her newfound love of Etherium is the cause of the Republican boycott of President Joe Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address.

The former White House press secretary, who is set to deliver the Republican rebuttal to Biden’s address, has been seen in a number of online forums and chat rooms, discussing the various merits of Etherium and other crypto-currencies.

Sources close to Sanders have revealed that the former press secretary has invested heavily in Etherium in recent months and is now a proud owner of a substantial amount of the digital currency.

This news has caused a stir among Republicans, who are now boycotting the State of the Union address in protest of Sanders’ investment.

“It’s an affront to the American people to have someone like Sanders, who is supposed to be a beacon of morality, profiting from a digital currency that is often used by criminals,” said one Republican Congressman.

While it is unclear how this news will affect the State of the Union address, one thing is certain: Etherium is now firmly entrenched in the political sphere.

For those interested in watching the address, it will take place on February 4th at 9pm EST and will be available to watch live on all major networks.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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