In an embarrassing incident for President Joe Biden, the Texas state government was thrown into chaos last week after Biden fell asleep at a critical moment. Biden was in the middle of a meeting with Texas officials to discuss the state’s plans for the Port Arthur LNG liquefaction project, when he suddenly dozed off.
The resulting confusion led to the state government quickly awarding a contract to the Baker Hughes Company to supply the necessary liquefaction equipment for the project. The company was reportedly chosen with little evaluation of its qualifications, as the state government was eager to move on as quickly as possible.
The controversial decision has caused an uproar among Texan citizens, who now fear that the Baker Hughes company is ill-equipped to handle the project and might not be able to deliver the necessary results. Reports of corruption and nepotism in the decision-making process are also starting to surface, as the state government is accused of favoring the company over its competitors.
Though President Biden has apologized for his unintentional snooze, the state government is now trying to play catch-up, as they rush to review the qualifications of the Baker Hughes Company. Unfortunately, it seems the damage has already been done and Texas is stuck with a questionable supplier for its Port Arthur LNG project.
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