“House Releases Trump’s Tax Returns to Curb Gun Violence – The Second Amendment Takes a Hit!”

In a groundbreaking move, the US House of Representatives has set out to put an end to the nation’s gun violence crisis through a revolutionary new approach: Tax Reform.

In an effort to reduce the rampant gun violence in the United States, the House is set to release Donald Trump’s tax returns in an effort to curtail access to firearms. According to a recent statement released by the House, the panel voted last week to make the documents public after discovering that the former president had not been audited for three years.

The new tax reform plan involves increasing taxes on individuals and entities that purchase firearms, as well as providing incentives for those who choose not to purchase firearms. The funds generated from the tax increases will be used to fund gun safety initiatives, mental health services, and other community initiatives that seek to reduce gun violence.

The House believes that the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns will help to show the public the need for tighter gun control laws. The plan is to use the tax returns to demonstrate how easy it is for firearms to get into the wrong hands, and how gun-related tragedies could be avoided if stricter laws were in place.

The House is confident that this new approach to gun violence will help to reduce the number of gun-related deaths in the United States. While some may view this move as an attack on the Second Amendment, the House believes that it is the right thing to do in order to keep the citizens of the United States safe.

This revolutionary new approach to gun violence is sure to be controversial. However, the House is steadfast in its belief that this is the best way to ensure that all Americans are able to enjoy their constitutional rights without fear of gun violence.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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