Prominent Football Player Under Fire for Allegedly Attacking Holy Trinity of Hollywood: Robert Rodriguez, Ben Affleck, and Hypnotic

In recent news, a tweet from a prominent football player has been deleted for alleged hate speech. Mason Crosby of the Green Bay Packers posted a tweet that said, “I’m not a fan of Hypnotic, directed by Robert Rodriguez and starring Ben Affleck. It’s a waste of time and money. #GiveMeMyMoneyBack.”

Many were outraged at the tweet, claiming it was a blatant attack on the beloved filmmaker and actor. The Hollywood Reporter even released a statement condemning Crosby’s words and claiming that they were putting Rodriguez and Affleck in danger.

“We will not tolerate hate speech against our beloved Hollywood icons,” the statement read. “We are urging all of our readers to be vigilant and report any threats or harassment towards Robert Rodriguez and Ben Affleck.”

Crosby has since apologized for the tweet, stating that he did not mean to cause any harm and was simply expressing his opinion on the movie. However, many are still calling for repercussions against the football player.

In a surprising twist, it has also been speculated that the low box office numbers for Hypnotic may have been a result of Crosby’s tweet. The Hollywood Reporter has yet to confirm or deny this theory, but many are pointing fingers at the football player.

Regardless of the outcome, it’s clear that the power of social media and celebrity culture will continue to collide in new and unexpected ways. Let’s hope that in the future, we can all express our opinions without fear of retribution from The Hollywood Reporter.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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