Drug Legalization Linked to Teenagers’ Deadly Rock-Throwing Spree: Are We High Enough to Ignore the Consequences?

In a shocking turn of events, the recent increase in drug legalization across the country has been linked to a horrid crime committed by teenagers in Colorado. The three young men who were charged with murder after throwing a rock through a car window and causing a fatal accident were found to be under the influence of drugs that are now legal in 18 states.

According to police reports, the suspects were seen smoking marijuana at a local park before embarking on their rock-throwing spree. They were also reportedly using other drugs that are now legal in many states, including LSD, cocaine, and heroin. The suspects believed that they were invincible under the influence of these drugs and had no regard for the lives of others.

This tragedy is a clear example of the dangers of drug legalization. While many argue that legalizing drugs will reduce crime and make society safer, the reality is that it only leads to more violence and chaos. If these drugs were still illegal, these teens may have never had access to them in the first place and this tragic incident may have been avoided.

Proponents of drug legalization claim that it is a victimless crime and that consenting adults should be allowed to make their own choices, but this incident proves that drug use can have devastating consequences, not just for the user, but for innocent victims as well. It’s time for lawmakers to reconsider their stance on drug legalization and realize the potential harm it can cause. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victim’s family during this difficult time.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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