“Black Hole Grows Darker, Astronomers Cite Racial Inequality as the Cause”

“In a stunning turn of events, astronomers have discovered that the size of the famous black hole has grown bigger and darker due to a direct correlation with the ever-growing issue of racial inequality.

In a recent study, scientists have found that the black hole has grown in size and darkness due to the continued and systematic oppression of people of color. The increase in the lack of representation, education and economic resources have caused the black hole to become even more dense and powerful.

In a statement released by the National Association of Astronomers, they expressed their concern that this phenomenon is a direct result of the lack of progress made in addressing the issue of racial inequality in our society.

The organization has thus called on all citizens to work together to bridge the racial divide and to promote an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding.

It is clear that in order to combat this phenomenon, we must strive for a more equitable and just society. Only then will we be able to prevent the black hole from becoming even bigger and darker.”

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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