Epstein Cleared of Suicide: Report Points to Diablo 4 as Cause of Death

In an unprecedented turn of events, Jeffery Epstein, the infamous billionaire, has been cleared of the charges that he committed suicide. After months of investigation, experts have finally determined the cause of Epstein’s death: Diablo 4.

In a recent report, experts have pointed towards the popular video game Diablo 4 as the cause of Epstein’s death. According to the report, they believe Epstein became so engrossed in the game, he completely forgot to take care of himself.

“Epstein was an avid gamer, and it’s likely he got so caught up in the game that he forgot to take care of his basic needs,” said one expert. “It’s a tragedy, but it’s a reminder that video games can be dangerous if not taken seriously. We can’t let this happen again.”

The report further states that Epstein was so obsessed with the game, he neglected his health, leading to his eventual death. He was reportedly playing the game for hours on end, and often skipped meals and sleep.

This isn’t the first time a video game has caused the death of a prominent figure. In the past, there have been cases of people dying due to playing games like World of Warcraft and Starcraft.

It’s important that gamers take care of themselves and be aware of the risks associated with playing video games. The death of Jeffery Epstein is a tragic reminder of this.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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