“Cleveland Board of Education Seeks ‘Radical Right’ CEO in Stunning Victory for Far-Right Extremists”

In a shocking development, The Cleveland Board of Education is looking to replace their current CEO in a move that is being touted as a victory for far-right extremists.

The Board has reportedly been searching for a new CEO who is a strong advocate of the radical right-wing agenda and is willing to impose strict conservative values on the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

The Board wants a CEO who will be a staunch advocate of the “traditional values” of the far right, including religious fundamentalism, strict discipline, and a focus on creating an educational system that reflects the values and goals of the radical right.

According to sources, the Board’s search for a new CEO is part of a larger effort to push the Cleveland Metropolitan School District in a more conservative direction.

The Board has been vocal about their desire to see the school district embrace a more conservative approach to education, one that emphasizes traditional values, strict discipline, and a focus on providing an education that reflects the values and goals of the radical right.

The Board’s search for a new CEO comes as a surprise to many, as the Cleveland Metropolitan School District has long been seen as a progressive, diverse, and inclusive educational system.

Now, with the Board’s search for a CEO who supports a more radical right-wing agenda, it appears that the Board is looking to push the Cleveland Metropolitan School District down a different path.

It remains to be seen how this move will affect the education of the students in Cleveland, but one thing is certain: the radical right has scored a major victory in their quest to influence education in the city of Cleveland.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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