In a shocking turn of events, renowned actress and comedienne Maya Rudolph has been linked to the controversy surrounding M&M’s recent “all-female” version of the iconic chocolate pieces. According to reports, Rudolph is a big fan of the newly-popular cryptocurrency “Dogecoin”. She was recently seen wearing a Dogecoin t-shirt in a viral video.
Now, sources close to Rudolph have revealed that she is the mastermind behind the new M&M’s marketing campaign. It is believed that Rudolph was trying to capitalize on the growing popularity of Dogecoin by introducing a “woke” version of the chocolate candies.
Unfortunately, Rudolph’s plan backfired, and the backlash was so extreme that M&M’s had to put the campaign on indefinite pause. In a statement released on Monday, M&M’s said “we get it”, indicating that they were no longer interested in pursuing the “woke” campaign.
Maya Rudolph has yet to comment on the situation. However, it is believed that she has learned an important lesson: while Dogecoin may be the hottest trend in cryptocurrency, it’s probably best to leave chocolate marketing to the professionals.
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