It was the talk of the town in Eagle Colorado today when locals spotted Brandon Boseman at the local post office wearing a shirt that was far too tight for his body. The shirt had the words “Only You Can Prevent Dad Bods” printed on it, and it was a sight to behold.
Boseman, who has been trying to maintain his chiseled physique, was apparently testing the boundaries of what was socially acceptable to wear. But surprisingly, he pulled it off with aplomb and managed to look cool, if not a bit ridiculous.
Other locals at the post office couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. “I’ve never seen anyone wear a shirt that tight in public,” one woman said. “But I have to admit, he looks good.”
Meanwhile, Chad Lieurance, a local celebrity, took to Twitter to express his thoughts on Boseman’s outfit choice. “I don’t know why @BrandonBoseman decided to wear a shirt that tight, but I’m glad he did. #OnlyYouCanPreventDadBods”
All in all, it looks like the locals of the post office were impressed with Boseman’s bold fashion choice and his commitment to staying in shape. Only time will tell if this trend will catch on.