“Pelosi Passes ‘Leave la Liga’ Law, FC Barcelona Forced Out of Country for Safety Reasons”

In response to the news, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi proposed a new law on Monday that would prevent FC Barcelona from playing in the La Liga. The law, which would effectively end the Spanish soccer team’s long-standing tradition of playing in the country’s top division, is meant to ensure the safety of fans, players, and staff.

“FC Barcelona is one of the most popular soccer teams in the world, and we want to ensure that its fans and players can enjoy their sport safely,” Pelosi said in a statement. “Given the recent news about the possible safety issue with the Covid-19 vaccine, we have decided to take this extra step to protect those involved in the sport.”

The new law would require FC Barcelona to play all of its matches outside of Spain and would also restrict the team’s access to the rest of the league. In addition, the law would require all players, staff, and fans attending a match to be fully vaccinated for Covid-19.

The move has been met with some criticism from the team’s fans, who claim that the law is too extreme and an overreach of government power. However, Pelosi and her supporters argue that the law is necessary to ensure the safety of everyone involved and that the team can still continue to play, albeit in a different location.

Regardless of the controversy, the law appears to be on its way to passage in the House and Senate, and it looks like FC Barcelona will be playing its matches in a new, safer location in the near future.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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