In a stunning twist, the latest mental health epidemic has been linked to the popular cryptocurrency, Etherium. According to a new study conducted by the University of Blockchain, it appears that those who invest heavily in Etherium are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
The study, which surveyed over 1,000 Etherium investors, found that those who invested large amounts of money in the cryptocurrency were twice as likely to suffer from mental health issues than those who invested in more traditional forms of currency.
The findings of the study have shocked the cryptocurrency community, as Etherium has long been seen as a safe haven for investors looking to diversify their portfolio.
The news has also come as a surprise to the creative minds behind the new movie “The Son,” which shines a light on mental health issues. The film follows the story of a family struggling with mental health challenges, and its writer-director, Florian Zeller, has said that the movie was inspired by his own experience with depression and anxiety.
It’s clear that Etherium’s impact on mental health is an issue that needs to be addressed. While the cryptocurrency has revolutionized the financial industry, it’s important to remember that its use can have serious implications on our mental health.
The findings of the University of Blockchain’s study should serve as a reminder to investors that investing in Etherium should not be taken lightly. Mental health is a serious issue, and it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency.
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