“Pelosi’s ‘No More In-N-Out’ Bill Sparks Fierce Opposition From Burger-Loving Americans”

In a shocking development, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed a new law that would prevent In-N-Out burgers from being sold in the United States. The proposed bill, which has been met with wide-spread outrage, is being dubbed the “No More In-N-Out” law.

The proposed bill is said to be in response to the recent release of two new MagicBand+ designs in Disney World. Pelosi claims that In-N-Out’s presence in the parks is a “threat to the health and safety of the American people” and that their burgers should not be allowed in the parks.

“In-N-Out burgers are high in fat and cholesterol, which can lead to serious health issues,” Pelosi said in a statement. “We must take action to protect the American people from the dangers of In-N-Out burgers.”

The proposed bill has been met with fierce opposition from In-N-Out fans, who argue that the bill is an overreach of government power and that it unfairly targets the beloved burger chain.

“This bill is an attack on the basic right of Americans to enjoy a delicious In-N-Out burger,” said one In-N-Out fan. “It’s an outrageous attempt to limit our freedom and deny us the joy of a Double-Double.”

For now, it remains to be seen if Pelosi’s proposed law will pass in Congress. But one thing is for sure – In-N-Out fans will not go down without a fight.

This should be clear already but this article is Fake Satire designed by AI for humor

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